After all of this painting I've learned a lot about myself. I am not a patient person, I don't mind cutting corners to save time, and I know nothing about superheroes and comic books. Thank goodness for my husband who is the opposite or else this room would look horrible. Our twins have grown to love Batman and Superman. Total coincidence, has nothing to do with the movie which we haven't even seen yet. Gasp! I know. 6 kids will do that to you. Anyway, we incorporated Superman into Gotham City. We have Wayne Tower, the bat signal from the police station, and then we have Superman's telephone booth and The Daily Planet where Clark Kent works. And instead of explaining everything we did, I am just going to post pictures in steps. It started out as a bright pink room with white polka dots. This was how the last owner of our house decorated it. Super cute if we had girls.
But we don't. So this is what we did to it...
I even made the twins Superman and Batman pillowcases. The bam, pow, wow pillows came from At Home. Now we need to get sheets and blankets to match.