Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Stocking 3/5

Boy, I sure am taking my sweet time finishing these! I also need to make my new stocking hanger. Hopefully sometime soon.  Especially since those are about the only Christmas things that I don't yet have up.  I love this time of year!
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Early Birthday & Christmas To Me!

Is it just me or can you hear angels singing, too?

Ok, so my birthday and Christmas aren't super close but they're here early a few weeks this year. I am so so so excited to have this. And now I can make all of the Christmas presents that I need to, so technically I had to have it early, right?

Once my new projects are done, I'm debating whether to post them or not if they are going to be Christmas presents. I won't say who they're for but then it still kind of ruins the surprise. We'll see.

The best part about this? I got this for almost half the regular price on Amazon!
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Stockings 2/5

While I was blog hopping this morning, I came across a blog called The Bird's Papaya. She made this ADORABLE ruffled cowl scarf (which is my next project) and I decided that was the perfect idea for my next stocking. Off to work I went and this is what I came up with. I know the white kind of stands out a little bit but I think it's fun. It kind of reminds me of Santa's beard.

2 stockings down, 3 to go! The only problem is, I'm trying to make them match while making them all different. Any ideas are very welcome!
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Decorative Pillows

The Before:

The After:

I bought these white pillows a long time ago to go with my black and white duvet. But I've never loved them and always wanted to do something different with them. I found this fabric at Joann's and didn't immediately think of the pillows but when I did, I knew I had to do it. I also saw this flower ribbon at Joann's and fell in love. I knew exactly what I was going to do when I saw it. Now I just need a new duvet to match :)

My next set of Decorative Pillows that needed a touch, came from our guest bedroom.
The Before:

The After:
I made fabric flowers from scrap fabric like I did with the Christmas Stockings.  Instead of using buttons, I used a brad and poked it through the center.  It was so easy!  I used a safety pin to fasten these to the pillows so I can change them out whenever I want!

You can get the tutorial for the flowers from My Blonde Ambitions, she does a much better job explaining and takes much better pictures than I do.  There is one thing that I do differently, though.  Instead of hand sewing it, I throw it under the sewing machine.  It doesn't look as neat or nice but it's fast and very secure.  I'm not the best hand sewer.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Christmas Stockings

The new baby won't be here by this Christmas (hopefully) but I wanted our family to have new matching stockings.  I wanted to do this last year and just never got to it.
This is one of five that I need to make.  Actually I wanted to make more just in case of future kids, then I would have matching ones, but now I'm not so sure.  It's not that it was hard, it's just that it was more time consuming than I expected and I'm a very impatient person :)

I want to make each one different but I'm not sure what I'm going to do on the others yet.  I was going to wait to post this until I had all of them done but it might take me a while and I wanted to post this just in case anyone wanted the idea for their own!  But I will post the others when they're finished.

I took 4 pieces of paper and taped them together.  I drew the pattern free handed (if you couldn't tell) and cut the pattern out.  I cut the decorative piece out and put all of the outside stuff on first.  Then I sewed that to a piece of felt that would make the front inside.  I cut out another piece of felt to make the back.

After I posted this, I wasn't loving the button look on the pleats at the top.  It was too plain.  Then I remembered a tutorial from My Blonde Ambitions to make super easy flowers.  I hadn't ever made them before and now I love them! They are really easy and I just used scrap fabric that I had.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Holiday Wreaths

I haven't been super crafty lately.  In fact, I haven't been doing much lately at all.  I've been having some major contractions for the last couple of weeks that have been keeping me down.  I still have 10 weeks left so this isn't a good thing.  I did, however, manage to make these super simple wreaths for really really cheap.  Gotta love Hobby Lobby!

 Total Cost? $3.50!  The wreath and berries were all 50% off, the wreath costing $1.50 and the berries stems each costing $1.  It's very simple and it's hung on my bedroom door that just adds that fall touch that we're missing here in AZ.

I was lazy and used the same berries for this wreath.  Total cost? $10.25.  This wreath cost me only $3, the berry stems were $5, and the Christmas ornament was $2.25