Friday, November 12, 2010

Decorative Pillows

The Before:

The After:

I bought these white pillows a long time ago to go with my black and white duvet. But I've never loved them and always wanted to do something different with them. I found this fabric at Joann's and didn't immediately think of the pillows but when I did, I knew I had to do it. I also saw this flower ribbon at Joann's and fell in love. I knew exactly what I was going to do when I saw it. Now I just need a new duvet to match :)

My next set of Decorative Pillows that needed a touch, came from our guest bedroom.
The Before:

The After:
I made fabric flowers from scrap fabric like I did with the Christmas Stockings.  Instead of using buttons, I used a brad and poked it through the center.  It was so easy!  I used a safety pin to fasten these to the pillows so I can change them out whenever I want!

You can get the tutorial for the flowers from My Blonde Ambitions, she does a much better job explaining and takes much better pictures than I do.  There is one thing that I do differently, though.  Instead of hand sewing it, I throw it under the sewing machine.  It doesn't look as neat or nice but it's fast and very secure.  I'm not the best hand sewer.
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  1. Brie~ I LOVE LOVE LOVE those redone white pillows! Super cute! I don't have any decorative pillows but seeing those made me want some!
